Rock You Like a Hurricane
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
(0:55) Première routine de patinage ensemble
(1:51) - Routine du championnat
Time to Say Goodbye
Andrea Bocelli & Various Artists
Let's Get It On
Marvin Gaye
Chazz est sur le tapis roulant
Con Te Partiro
Andrea Bocelli
Call Him a Thief
Circe Link
Good Vibrations
Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch
Slice and Dice
Theodore Shapiro
Slice and Dice On Ice
Theodore Shapiro
Capture the Dream
Theodore Shapiro
Freight Train from Hell
Theodore Shapiro
Snow Cones
Theodore Shapiro
Icy Hot Superslide
Theodore Shapiro
The Verticoli
Theodore Shapiro
The Family Plot
Theodore Shapiro
The Iron Lotus
Theodore Shapiro
Ready to Make History
Theodore Shapiro
The Illustrated Man
Theodore Shapiro
Pile of Guts
Theodore Shapiro
The Loophole
Theodore Shapiro
Grublets On Ice!
Theodore Shapiro
The Human Onion
Theodore Shapiro
We Did It
Theodore Shapiro
Stranz and Fairchild
Theodore Shapiro
Cruel Bitch Mother
Theodore Shapiro
World Wintersport
Theodore Shapiro
The Chase
Theodore Shapiro
Breaking the Ice
Theodore Shapiro
Blades of Glory
Theodore Shapiro
Fredrick Fennell & The Cleveland Symphonic Winds
Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro)
Andrea Bocelli
Cette chanson est utilisée au début du film lorsque l’on voit un jeune Jimmy McElroy s’entraîner dans un orphelinat.
Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro)
Andrea Bocelli, London Symphony Orchestra, Sarah Brightman
Darren a été impressionné par le patinage artistique de Jimmy et décide de l'adopter. La scène passe maintenant à Jimmy adulte concourant dans une compétition à Stockholm.
Time To Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro)
Andrea Bocelli, Zubin Mehta & Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
First song as movie opens. The young Jimmy is skating on the ice and his future father is watching him
Happy Birthday
Mildred Hill & Patty Hill
Stranz and Fairchild perform their JFK routine
Chazz and Jimmy perform their routine to this song