You Don't Own Me (The Voice Performance)
Kyla Jade
Performance de round knockout, gagne la manche
Free (The Voice Performance)
Kaleb Lee
[Original par Zac Brown Band]
Wade In the Water (The Voice Performance)
Mia Boostrom
Performance de round knockout, gagne la manche
Bring Me To Life (The Voice Performance)
Jackie Foster
Performance de round knockout, perd le tour mais est sauvé, 4 chaises tournent pour sauver / voler, mais se fait ensuite voler par Alicia
Almost Like Being In Love (The Voice Performance)
Austin Giorgio
Performance de round knockout, perd le tour mais est sauvé par Blake
Broken Halos (The Voice Performance)
Spensha Baker
Performance de round knockout, gagne la manche
Alive (The Voice Performance)
Johnny Bliss
Performance de round knockout, gagne la manche
Slow Hands (The Voice Performance)
Drew Cole
Knockout round performance, perd le tour mais tente de se faire voler par Blake, mais se fait sauver par Adam
American Honey (The Voice Performance)
Jackie Verna
Performance de round knockout, gagne la manche